
Showing posts from February, 2014

Best Mobile Apps for South East Asia Trip

My wife and I just got back from our whirlwind South East Asia trip that definitely didn't disappoint. I say whirlwind because we just visited 5 countries in 17 days. This included 12 flights, including transfers and flight cancellations. Yes, my wife whom picked the destinations is quite ambitious. I was up for the challenge of logistically planning the flight itinerary for our vacation. We visited the Philippines, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia, and Australia. We also had stopovers in Thailand and Fiji.  I must admit that a ton of iPhone apps aided me in the ever confusing mess of destinations. We worked it out that we would be spending 2-3 days in each location. To add to the confusion was we had about 2 weeks to plan the trip since it was a now-or-never type of trip.   TripIt Map The 10 apps that I will go into detail below were used to plan, book, and use while we were traveling. Websites for each of the apps are linked to each title and photo. Planning our Tr