Reflection Follow up

I published a post about a year and a half ago titled Go For Broke - Self Reflection that outlined my flaws. I've made some strides, but also failures since 2011. I'm excited! At least I'm doing something with my ideas instead of just staying ideas like I used to. I thought the below quote was fitting:
An idea that is developed and put into action is more important than an idea that exists only as an idea. - Buddha
So what am I doing?

I've started selling my bamboo soaps at local farmer markets and on my Etsy page . Things are going great and it acts as a therapeutic task turned business venture.
I also created a website for traveling nurses to Hawaii that connect them to local community members that are willing to rent out their homes / condos and cars. Hawaii Travel Nurse is still very beginner and new, but I hope to stay with it and see where it leads me.
The third idea I'm currently working on is a ecofriendly surfwax that is 100 % made with natural materials found on the Big Island. I'm thinking of branding it ECO NALU Surf Wax.

I will be donating a percentage of profits from the soap and surfwax to a local organization. Any suggestions of great causes or non profits are appreciated. I'm trying to stay local so I know the dollars are well spent.

Let me know if you're interested in hearing more about the products I listed above.

- DK

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